Hot wine? Mulled wine?
"Hot wine" seems to be Japanese English. I should say "mulled wine". Mulled wine is a beverage usually made with red wine along with various spices and raisins. It is served hot or warm and may be alcoholic or non-alcoholic. It is a trad... -
The best electric tooth brush
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gbuRVmoP8U What is the best electric tooth brush? I believe Filips Sonicare is the best. The experiment is comparison among Filips Sonicare, Braun Oral-B, and Panasonic Doltz. Filips Sonicare looks t... -
電動ブラシは様々なタイプがあります。価格も様々です。それぞれ利点・欠点があるのですが、総合するとソニケアという音波ブラシに軍配が上がるようです。当院でも検討を重ねた結果、同商品を受付で販売しております。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gb... -
先週末の話ですが、新宿の東京オペラシティーで行われた新歯科用ソフトの紹介セミナーに行ってきました。オフィスの階にあるアップルらしいおしゃれなセミナールームでした。ただ、今後、六本木に移転するとの事。 セミナーは無料でした。しかし、ソフトの... -
Hayman, Great Barrier reef, Australia
There are many native English teachers in Japan. I had one who came from Australia. He was very friendly and potent in teaching English. When he went back to his home country, he gave me the book about Aussie's unique expressions which a... -
Socialism in liberalism: Agony of Japanese dentists
The moment when I see smile of my patients after treatment is the happiest one as a dentist. 10 years ago, a physician came to my dental office. His chief complaint was pain and swelling in the gum around his upper front tooth. After car... -
Dental implants: 10 years after sinus floor elevation
My friend's back teeth were lost due to decay. (He is a brain surgeon.) To carry out dental implants for him, I had to learn the way to generate bone in his sinus. An egg is a good material for practicing sinus floor elevation. I l... -
Memory of Michigan
When sorting out photos in PC, I found some in Ann Arbor. It's 10 years ago when I went there to study dental implant skills using cadaver at University of Michigan School of Dentistry. In Japan, education using cadaver is prohibite... -
Yakitori(skewer grilled chicken) restaurant in Nishi-Ogikubo
I had dinner with my high school era's friend who lives in west Tokyo. He took me to a yakitori restaurant "Donn" in Nishi-Ogikubo along Chuo line. The average yakitori is made from several bite-sized pieces of chicken meat, or chicken o... -
Basic English pronunciation training class in Shinjuku Tokyo 2
A lot of Japanese can't distinguish pronunciation between "sea" and "she". Especially, "sea" is often pronounced as "she". So, when they want to say "Sit down.", they say "Shit down"! Awful! There is a tongue twister "She sells seashells...