Clung and bang
61 year old birthday today sounds not so nice, but it is what it is, just keep going must be always in my mind, not "should be" like Tony Robbins said. The gym is 24 hours open, training waits for me anytime. Today is leg and abdominal d... -
Motivational videos during workout
In physical training, what I don't like is endurance work out especially running and biking. Long distance swimming is what I liked and had done for nearly 30 years. Because of outbreak of corvid 19, the sports club which I belonged to a... -
Case 5 (Full mouth rehabilitation with implants)
82 year old female. Chief complaint ; solution of esthetic problem. Treatments ; root canal treatment, crowns, implants and sinus lift. intra oral photos before treatment intra oral photos after treatment X-ray before treatment X-ray aft... -
著者は本人も本書で述べているように人生の落ちこぼれから自ら一念発起して短期間で同時通訳者になった方です。その努力は尋常ではなく寝る時間を大幅に削るなど若さゆえに無理も効いた部分はあると思います。ただ世の中変わっても、変わらないのは何か人... -
case 4 (oral rehabilitation with implants after sinus lift)
Early 60's female. Chief complaint ; Fixation with implants in the molars' missing area. Treatment ; implants after sinus lift and new crowns to correct balance of occlusion. intra oral photos before treatment intra oral photos after tre... -
When I was a dental college student, I belonged to a rowing club. In training, I had free weight sessions. In those days, I didn't have an opportunity to use various machines including Smith machine like we have today. I joined a gym nea... -
50代女性の方でした。前歯が歯根破折を起こして抜歯となりました。抜歯後1か月半待って粘膜の治癒を待ち、造骨処置を行いました。骨の熟成を待ち、インプラントを埋入し、歯肉移植も行って、最終的な歯冠をセットしました。抜歯同時インプラント埋入、あ... -
A sinus lift where a septa exists in sinus
When you try something new and challenging, everyone has the time of "inexperienced" or "novice". Experience and training are necessary until you become good at that. Dentists are no exception. This case is a sinus lift surgery I carried... -
A middle point in a treatment process
The patient is a late 50's male whose chief complaint is wanting to chew in his molar area where some teeth are missing. In explaining to a patient about treatment, using casts is more persuasive than without them. As a general practitio... -
前回からの続きです。症例3の解説(その7) | 英語好きな歯科医の診療日記 (hn-dentist-english-blog.com)最終的な被せものをセットしました。口腔内写真やレントゲンだけでなく、模型上でも術前後の比較検討を行いました。 術前後の上顎 術前後の上顎模...