sinus lift– tag –
人は何か困難な事を実行するときに必ず「はじめて」あるいは「経験不足」といった時期があり、これを乗り越えなければならないのは歯科医も例外ではありません。以下は2003年頃に行ったサイナスリフト(副鼻腔内造骨術)のケースです。2002年にミシガン... -
東京の緊急事態宣言が解かれてしばらくたち、大手町にもだいぶ人が戻ってきているのを感じます。テレワーク継続の企業も多いためかコロナ前ほどではないにせよ、患者さんもだいぶ戻ってきている実感があります。12月は元々繁忙期とは言え、この状況下で... -
Case 3 (Oral rehabilitation by sinus lift and implants)
50s female. Chief complaint: wants to have implants, not denture. The previous dentist can't perform sinus lift, therefore couldn't carry out implants. I did both sinus lift and implants to make her chew in her both molars' areas. Intrao... -
Case 2 (Esthetic and functional problems fixed by sinus lift, implants and crowns)
60s male. Chief complaint : want to fix all problems esthetically and functionally. The previous dentist told him he could not make implant treatment because of not enough bone to support implants and made a denture which the patient did... -
Motivational opportunity
A meeting of the dental study group was held in Kanda Tokyo last weekend. Because of the cancelation due to corvid 19 last year, this meeting was the first time in 2 years. Zoom meetings were not motivational for me. All members were exc... -
Exciting moments
Fig.1 Fig.2 2 good things happened in my work this week. The first one is becoming beautiful and functional in 60 year old female teeth (Fig.1). I performed root canal treatment, sinus lift and implants. These are temporary crowns made i... -
How to contribute to other people? Being helpful to others is worthwhile for living. They say three forth of people hate their jobs. Luckily, I love my work. As a dentist, treatments for patients are contributions themselves. Clocks are ... -
Helped by system 2
According to the international bestseller “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kshneman, psychologists have been interested in the two modes of thinking evoked by multiplication problem. The two systems in the mind are referred to System ...