5月18日は、上野パークサイドホテルで、咬合勉強会の発表会と総裁である阿部晴彦先生の喜寿の祝いが行われました。77歳というと歯科医としては、とっくにリタイアしている事が多いのですが、阿部先生はお元気です。日々の臨床やセミナー講師として国内のみ... -
The heart of a leader
http://www.amazon.com/The-Heart-Leader-Insights-Influence/dp/0781445434/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1369315871&sr=8-1&keywords=ken+blanchard+the+heart+of+a+leader A friend of mine sent me a book "The Heart of a Leader". You d... -
5月11日、12日は噛み合わせ、総入れ歯セミナーのインストラクターとして参加しました。噛み合わせは3次元的なものです。歯をほとんど、あるいはすべて失った場合、どう再建するかについては、様々な手法が提唱されています。総入れ歯の大家と言われて久し... -
development of dental materials
Things have changed dramatically in dentistry like every field of the world. Today, I treated a patient from UK who lost his front tooth crown. In order to fix the new all ceramic crown, I set a fiber core into the root canal with ... -
possibility of gaining dental license of other countries
Can a Japanese dentist get a license of dentist in other countries? Each country has its own rule. To get a license in US, you have to study in a dental college for designated years and pass the exam of each state, like a nati... -
Making a complete denture…It’s fun
Most Japanese dentists don't carry out teeth arranging in making a complete denture. They usually order that to dental technicians. My mentor always says arranging teeth sould be a dentist work, not technician's. It may look painstaking ... -
Mikimoto Pearl Museum
The Mikimoto Pearl Island is an excellent museum about pearls, pearl cultivation and Mikimoto Kokichi, the first person who succeeded in cultivating pearls. The island is located in the Bay of Toba, accessible via a bridge. Mikimoto Koki... -
Combination of skills, it’s fun!
Collapsed bite cases, which require wide varieties of skill to fix, are challenging for dentists. However, I am excited whenever I face them. In such cases, thinking process for treatments is really fun for me. The case below is the... -
Pursuit of happiness for the patrients and truth for occlusion
Occlusion is the most basic factor in dentistry. However, there are several different theories. They look different, but the goal is the same? How can a dentist set an ideal occlusion? What is the landmark in oral anatomy? How can a dent... -
Today’s seminar
I went to Kanda Tokyo to attend a seminar. Dr. Abe is 77 this year, but he is nicely energetic in his lecture and demonstration. After he graduated from Nihon University 50 years ago, he went to USC in US and had great American mentors. ...