入れ歯がしょっちゅう壊れ何度も修理を繰り返していたが、さすがに汚くなったので新しくして欲しいというご希望で来院された方のケースです。細かい工程の話は省きますが、材料の強度があっても、適切な義歯の設計ができていないと壊れることがあると感... -
60代の患者さんです。出っ歯を治したいという事で来院され、現在矯正中で4か月目です。だいぶ引っ込んできて、ほぼシミュレーション通りに進んできました。矯正終了後、銀歯を白いのに変えるのもご希望でした。矯正装置を外すと後戻りが始まるのでリテー... -
歯を残すかどうかを決める時に、条件が良くないので長期予後は難そうだが、今抜歯するのはどうかと迷う場合があります。とりあえず、「使えるところまで使いましょう」ということになる場合があります。本ケースは残した歯の手前の欠損部にインプラント... -
English blog
Case 6 (a case where missing areas and natural teeth failed to meet each other)
A case where missing areas and remaining teeth fail to meet when trying to bite is usually challenging to deal with. Removable dentures for missing areas usually don't solve problems and are unacceptable for patients in such cases. Impla... -
English blog
Rikugien Gardens; Long walking in stillness with joy, it is worth it.
open from 9am to 5pm300 yen/adultone of Tokyo Metropolitan garden as cultural heritage built in samurai era.It takes at least 1 hour to walk around bathed in beautiful stillness -
English blog
How can I get out of boredom of cardio workout?
Workout during watching TV program on the screen attached in a bike or running machineWorkout during watching Anllela Sagra's videos on YoutubeWorkout during watching a 30 minute's motivational speech video you like on Youtube No.1 makes... -
マシンに付属しているテレビで適当に番組を見ながらやるyoutubeでエクササイズの音楽動画を見ながらやる(Anllela Sagraさんのとか・・・)英語の長めの(できれば30分程度)自己啓発ビデオをダウンロードして、それを見ながらやる(アーノルド・シュワル... -
English blog
Kyu-Furukawa garden; heart warming place in Tokyo
Elegance created from the harmony western and Japanese styles where you can get your heart warmed. reservation on line is preferable150 yen/adult9am-5pmcombo of western style mansion, rose garden, and Japanese style garden built in 1919 ... -
English blog
Basic in dentistry
Metal core or resin filling is one of the basic skills in dentistry. Unlike implant, orthodontic treatment, they may not be eye-popping. But, to save a tooth, they are important. A process of making a metal core. A crown is covered on it... -
English blog
A personal trainer’s advice
After 2 times personal training, what I got from the trainer is described below. Intermitted fasting (16, 18, 20 hours window) is alright, but eating a sweet bun or a rice ball before training is necessary.Divide training to an upper bod...